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Brexit: The Construction Perspective

AUTHORs: Kimberley Masuda, Rhona Henry Services: Brexit, Construction and Engineering DATE: 09/04/2019

As we move closer to Brexit, there is potential for significant delay and disruption on site.

As we move closer to Brexit, there is potential for significant delay and disruption on site.  This is partly due to the supply issues around products manufactured or distributed from the UK.  In construction, only products to which the Construction Products Regulation (305/2011) (the “CPR”) apply and which have a CE mark can be used in construction in the EU.  Although the CPR does not yet apply to all construction products, most of the main construction products are covered by this requirement.  Once the UK leaves the EU, those UK products will lose their CE mark.

In addition, more and more contractors are specifically looking for a Brexit clause to be included in their construction contracts on the basis that they cannot price the Brexit risk.  At Matheson, we are working with our clients in order to include Brexit clauses to, at least, mitigate the Brexit risk in construction.

Senior Associate, Kimberley Masuda and Partner, Rhona Henry from our Construction and Engineering Group provide further insight into Brexit from a construction perspective in their latest update.