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European stakeholder consultation for the development of an EU AI Legal Framework

AUTHORs: Deirdre Kilroy, Anne-Marie Bohan Services: Technology and Innovation DATE: 14/04/2021

In September 2019 the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (“CAHAI”) was established at the Council of Europe to examine the elements necessary for the establishment of a legal framework for the development, design and application of artificial intelligence. The objective of the framework will be to facilitate those seeking to meet Council of Europe standards in the field of human rights, democracy and the rule of law when deploying AI by creating a framework which will act as a support tool.

The CAHAI carried out a feasibility study in relation to its plans, and published a report on its feasibility study in December 2020 (which can be accessed here). The CAHAI announced the launch of a multi-stakeholder consultation, with the purpose of collecting a diverse set of viewpoints from different actors (both public and private) within the AI sector. These views will be taken into account in the further work of the CAHAI Legal Frameworks Group. It is intended that the framework would assist those active in the use of AI to meet the Council of Europe’s legal standards.

We recommend that stakeholders with an interest in this sector consider participating in the consultation by completing the questionnaire on behalf of their institution before the deadline on 26 April 2021. Further information on how to participate and access to the multi-stakeholder consultation can be accessed here. The questionnaire contains six different sections: (1) Definition of AI Systems, (2) Opportunities and risks arising from AI systems, (3) Impact on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, (4) Potential gaps in the existing legal instruments, (5) Elements of a legal framework and (6) Policies and Mechanisms.  

Matheson is active in advising and assisting clients on a range of projects in which AI or machine learning is deployed, across a variety of sectors. For further information please contact Deirdre Kilroy or Anne-Marie Bohan, or your usual Matheson contact.